Books and Movies recommended for Shifters and Symps


Unfortunately, it is fairly hard to find Shifter-orientated books or movies that are worth much at all from a Shifter point of view.


Few shifters are satisfied with the quality of shifter-related movies and books. There are a lot of complaints about how these movies and books promote a very negative image of shifters. I personally would like to see a lot more books and movies that present shifters as closer to what they are in real life and not as bloodthisty murderers. Even the ones where the Werewolf is the hero usually have him or her killing people (or other Werewolves), and often eating them (yuck).

In my opinion, the best Shifter-orientated movie would address most of the psychological/spiritual issues of real-life shifterism in a way that fit in great with the plot. The plot would not involve any killing of humans or other Werecreatures by the Werecreatures. There would be a number of Werecreatures in the movie, not just one or two, and although there would be a number of Werewolves, there would also be other phenotypes, such as Werecats, Werefoxes, and Werebears. All the Werecreatures would shift into real animals, not gross-looking monstrous animals or mostly-human median forms. There would be a fairly even mix of males and females among the Werecreatures, and there would be more than one race, not just whites. There would be many shifting scenes in the movie, not just 2 or 3 like in many Shifter movies. A shifter-orientated book that was like I wanted it to be would be similar to the movie I just described.

Some of the reasons I'd like more Shifter-orientated books and movies like that is for my own enjoyment. I'd also like to see negative stereotypes disspelled, these negative stereotypes have done an incredible amount of damage to the self-esteem of many shifters, and made others fear them more if/when they found out. But, there are some problems with Werecreatures becoming more acceptable and less negative in the public's eyes. Vampires and Goths in general have become acceptable, even romantic, in the public eyes. It is now trendy to be a vampire and the real vampires are not happy about the hordes of goofballs who have decended on the vampire subculture and declared themselves vampires. If Werewolfism becomes trendy, and the real Werewolves get "swamped" in hordes of Goofballs who think Werewolfism is "trendy", that would be very bad. So it is hard to think of a good balance. If good Werewolf books and movies appear, it could easily become trendy.

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